NY Ticket Free

Fighting Traffic Tickets for CDL Drivers.

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NY Ticket Free

Moving violations will result in points on your driver's license and will increase your insurance premiums. Traffic violations and citations are an unfortunate yet common occurrence. In addition to the fines imposed if you are found guilty of, or plead guilty to, a traffic violation, there are other, more long-term consequences for being pulled over and issued a citation. In most instances, the traffic infraction will result in points on your license. Your license may be suspended for accruing 11 or more points within 18 months.


    In addition we have extended our practice to New Jersey with the expertise of our of counsel Gina M. Wicik (DeLustro). Moreover, insurance companies can increase your premiums based on your driving record. Driving records are frequently evaluated when policies are renewed. Contact us to discuss how we can assist you in maintaining a flawless driving record. 

    We can fight your ticket and, in most cases, resolve the matter with no points on your record. If you are a commercial driver, as you know, it is crucial to have a pristine driving abstract. Our experienced attorneys specialize in helping our clients maintain a flawless driving record.

    • Before you let a moving violation damage your license, call our office for a free consultation. (516) 874-5757

New York State’s traffic ticket points system

 The DMV driver violation point system helps to identify drivers who commit several traffic violations. The point system is not the only reason for a driver's license suspension or revocation. There are mandatory suspensions or revocations. For example, the DMV must revoke your driver's license if you are convicted of three speeding violations (non-moving traffic violation or failure to observe signs are not included) within 18 months and if you have fewer than 11 points. This point system table lists the number of points given for violation traffic law codes in New York:


    • 1102 Failure to Comply with a Lawful Order 2
    • 1110 (a) Failure to Obey Traffic Control Device 2
    • 1110 (a)(1) Passed Green Arrow 3
    • 1111 (d)(1) Passed Red Light 3
    • 1111 (d)(3) Passed Red Arrow 3
    • 1113 (a) Flashing Red Light 3
    • 1120 (a) Failure to Keep Right 3
    • 1122 Improper Lane Change 3
    • 1128 (a) Unsafe Lane Change 3
    • 1129 (a) Following Too Closely (Tailgating) 4
    • 1140 Failure to Yield Right of Way at Intersection 3
    • 1141 Failure to Yield Right of Way--Oncoming Traffic   3   
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Attention commercial drivers: do not let moving violations put your job at risk!

It is imperative to CDL holders to keep their license free of points. Even tickets received when operating a private vehicle count against your CDL and are listed on your complete driver's abstract. Our lawyers can reduce and or eliminate potential points from adding to your license. Call us today for a free consultation. Protect your license from points, revocations, and suspensions today by speaking to one of our attorneys now (516) 874-5757. Our legal services include the following, but are not limited to:

  • Truckers Traffic Ticket Defense for all Moving & Non-Moving Violations
  • Trial Defense for Truck Violations
  • Abogados de Traileros Y Defensa De Tickets

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Call us, we can save you from costly points on your license (516) 874-5757


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